TryGliding Just Go membership Classifieds

Sydney Chart

A number of changes have occurred in Sydney Basin Airspace due to the Western Sydney International Nancy-Bird Walton Airport, calling for a dedicated process focussed on preserving Gliding at Camden. Bob Hall and Henk Meertens were instrumental in assuring our rights to fly at Camden, and I was a willing apprentice in the process.

Many years later, here we are, facing new challenges. I have been involved with airspace change process affecting Camden since very early days. At time of writing, I am still in non-disclosure.

The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) included here shows flight paths and other information that relates to airspace. I am buoyant with the outcome shown so far in the EIS. Yes, it will be very difficult for gliders to see the area around Warragamba Dam or the Blue Mountain area to the west of the new airport.

But, on the plus side, airspace around Camden Airport should be the same to the east, southern areas, and most of the southwest. There will be changes to the west although, at this stage, it looks as if this area will still be useable airspace for gliding, at least to The Oaks airfield. However, airspace will be different in that western direction. The airspace north of Camden will change, but that area has rarely been used by gliders.

The airspace for RAAF Richmond Gliding Club will be restricted to the south.

The general training area to the north of Camden, south of Richmond and west of Bankstown will be greatly affected. We expect increased General Aviation training in the Class G airspace around Camden.

As an aside, it wonderful that the new airport is named after Nancy-Bird Walton, a remarkable lady. I had the privilege of meeting her and talking with her on the phone twice during the project.

The draft EIS and associated documents can be viewed up to 31 January 2024, at Penrith City Library (601 High St, Penrith) and at the State Library of NSW (1 Shakespeare Place, Sydney) and at other locations. For further information, visit or call 1800 038 160.
To download the EIS, go to

Community information and feedback sessions will be held. Information about session dates and locations will be at:
Persons are invited to comment on the preliminary documentation by 31 January 2024.

Written submission can be made to
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While Gliding Australia cannot dictate to members what submissions should be made, preservation of our rights to fly, and access to reasonable airspace to do this flying, would be appreciated.