New Museum President Peter Champness flies the Zephyrus
By Dave Goldsmith
Normally held in November but delayed by Covid, the Vintage Gliders Australia Rally and Australian Gliding Museum Open Day, AGM and Barbeque Lunch was held over the Victorian long weekend 12 to 14 March 2022, with the Museum Open Day on Sunday 13 March.
Saturday’s weather was soarable, but rather weak with up to 4,000ft possible. Bob Hickman had the longest flight of just over two hours in his ES60 Boomerang. Six flights were made in the Slingsby T31b, the longest a hangar flight of 23 minutes.
On Sunday the Australian Gliding Museum held its annual Open Day, Annual General Meeting and Barbeque lunch. This event is normally held in early November over the Melbourne Cup holiday weekend, but was delayed by Covid restrictions. Over 30 members and friends attended. David Goldsmith retired as President after 11 years to take up the Vice-President position, and Peter Champness was elected unopposed as our new President. The following barbeque was enjoyed by all.
James Stevenson gives the thumbs up after flying the Slingsby.
The unique Zephyrus made the only vintage flight on Sunday, staying up for over one hour. On Monday the weather was very pleasant, but once again thermals were scarce. The T31b made six flights, the longest being 29 minutes up to 3,500ft.
Gliding and Museum activity is slowly building up again after repeated Covid lockdowns. It will take a while until we achieve pre-Covid levels.