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gliders and planes in Australia

How to Configure Your Glider for Live Tracking

Tracking with multiple data sources If you go missing or have an accident, the quicker you're found, the better. Now, technology and software have developed to a point that allows you to be tracked no matter how remotely you fly. Tracking needs to be set up before you need it,…

SOAR Reports Review

What sort of issues are being reported in SOAR reports across the country this soaring season? October had a run of DG300/1000 related undercarriage collapses. This has been addressed in OAN 02/2024. If you are flying these aircraft, it is worth a read. There is also a video to…

Operations - Reinstating Winch Operations and More

Dave BoulterExecutive Manager Currency Barometer and beginning of the soaring seasonThe soaring season is starting, and we are all hoping for booming weather. Each year there is an influx of SOAR reports on incidents that could have been…


You may be aware that CASA Medical Class 5 has now been released. This is good news for General Aviation pilots. It is also good news for our Tow Pilots. More on CASA Class 5 medicals later. In this article I will outline the medicals we use in Gliding Australia at present and…
Dave Boulter

Meet the New Executive Manager Operations

Being new to the EMO role, I thought it would be good to pass on my thoughts, observations and, for those who do not know me, a bit of my background. The last few weeks have been an eye opener to just how much work is done to keep us all flying, and to help us to fly with the…
GFP Gawler 10

Airspace Clear for Launch

By Christopher Thorpe, Executive Manager Operations It should be obvious to all that it is essential for pilots preparing to launch to be aware of any airspace activities in their vicinity and the threat, if any, posed by the presence of other aircraft. Lookout is the principal…

Crew Resource Management

Christopher ThorpeExecutive Manager, The following is an extract from a recent UK AAIB report into an accident involving a touring motor glider that highlights the importance of completing the pre-take-off checklist diligently and without…
Pilot Authorisations and Endorsements

Pilot Authorisations and Endorsements

Christopher ThorpeExecutive Manager, Operations Pilot Authorisations and Endorsements Operational Regulation 3.1.3 requires all pilots to maintain a logbook detailing, among other things, a record of pilot authorisations and endorsement granted, their dates of validity, and…
IMG 7155

Aerotow Upset Incidents

Christopher ThorpeExecutive Manager, Operations Aerotowing may appear to be a benign method of getting airborne in a glider, but there are inherent hazards, the most significant of which are tug upsets. In the last 10 years there have been 11 incidents in which gliders have…

Around the Regions

Christopher ThorpeExecutive Manager, Operations Queensland In late January 2021, Denis Lambert took over the role of RMO Queensland from Ivor Harris, who completed his five-year term on the GFA Operations Panel. Denis is an experienced Level 3 instructor and former CFI of…
EMO Chris Thorpe a

Operations - Regulatory Structure

The GFA Operations Team is frequently contacted by members seeking information about flight rules and procedures, and it is evident that some members are unaware of the Regulatory structure under which we fly. Christopher ThorpeExecutive Manager,…
Gliding Australia Magazine insurance 1

Explaining Insurance

Explaining Insurance By Dave Shorter - Treasurer Reading the details of an insurance policy is just about as exciting as delving into a dictionary – a pretty ordinary story line, not recommended bedtime reading. But like a dictionary, it’s occasionally necessary. The details of…