TryGliding Just Go membership Classifieds
Sophie Curio grid

Two Seat and Club Class Nationals Champions Declared

The new Club Class Australian National Champion, Sophie Curio on the grid at Temora. After seven consecutive racing days, Sophie Curio is the new Australian Club Class Champion. She flew her LS4a consistently, winning one day, taking 2nd place on three days and one 3rd place.…
Aerial Runway 1140537

NSW State Championships Temora

In the week before the contest, the same weather system that brought the Multiclass Nationals at Lake Keepit to an end two days early, dumped more than 60mm of rain on Temora and the surrounding area. The grass runways were closed and tie down areas flooded. Nevertheless, the…
Aus MC Nats 24 SY 8

Multiclass Nationals Lake Keepit

Allan Barnes flying his LS8 15m. After two good practise days, the Australian Multiclass Nationals got underway at Lake Keepit on 25 November under a cumulus filled sky. Lake Keepit was the host site for the Women’s World Championships in 2020 and will host the Junior WGC in…
Pete Temple land

Grand Prix at Gawler

A small but enthusiastic group of pilots made their way to Gawler in January for the Australian Series 12, Sailplane Grand Prix. Ben Terrell and John Grant towed their gliders from Perth for the contest. Norm Bloch drove over from New South Wales where he had been flying and,…

Ingo Renner Cup

The Ingo Renner Cup 2024 season concluded on 30 September 2024 Australian pilots who post their flights on are automatically scored for the Ingo Renner Cup. The scoring period is from 1 October to 30 September. At the end of the season, the combined score of the top…
Woolley cockpit 1

Big Sky Texas - World Gliding Championships Uvalde Texas

ABOVE: Adam Woolley cruising on course. With contributions and photos from Adam Woolley, Matthew Scutter, Lumpy Patterson, Keith Gateley and Ronald Tabery The World Gliding Championships in Open, 18m and 20m Multi Seat classes took place at Uvalde in August. Uvalde is located in…

Ingo Renner Cup Spring - Summer Results

As the Australian spring - summer soaring season draws to a close, it's a good time to look at the pilot rankings in the Ingo Renner Cup, This competition was set up as a decentralised contest by Gliding Australia on the WeGlide platrorm.Now in its third year, the Ingo Renner…
Aveling 1

Friendly Skies at Lake Cumulus - Lake Keepit Regatta

On the grid for another great cumulus day. The 24th Annual Regatta was held at Lake Keepit Soaring Club between 24 February and 2 March. A few dropouts at the last minute left us with 21 competitors.The Regatta is run as a single class event primarily as a fun and supportive…
Ian Steventon4

20m Two seat Nationals tocumwal

Circling over Tocumwal at the start. Photo by Ian Steventon By Lumpy Patterson Tocumwal Soaring Centre proudly hosted this year’s 20m Two Seat Sports Class Nationals. We had 18 pilots flying in nine gliders – two AS32, three Arcus and, making up nearly half the field, four Duo…
Barnfield 4

Competition Roundup

Mark Barnfield's SZD 55 with a Narromine shower aproaching. NOT NOVEMBER NARROMINE CUP For 23 years the Annual Narromine Cup has been held over the last full week of November.Sadly, due to Covid we missed the event in 2022, and this last season in 2023, the World Championships…

Nationals at Benalla

By Terry Cubley With the advice that December and January would be a hot and dry, GCV at Benalla was keen to run the national championships in January. However, as it turned out the weather was well below expectations for most of the summer season across most states except WA.We…

Club & Sports Nationals Kingaroy

John Orton in his ASG29 Photos John Absolon The Club and Sports Class Nationals at Kingaroy were preceeded by the Queensland State championships. There were two flying weeks with good tasks and high speeds. Four members of the Australian Gliding team - Bruce Taylor, Greg…

NSW State Championships Lake Keepit

The flight line at Lake Keepit - that is now full of water! NSW State Championships Lake Keepit11 - 18 November 2023 It was a good soaring week for the NSW State Comps. Seven competition days were flown. The highest speed was achieved by Justin Smith on Race 5 at 130.88 kph over…
Taylor 7 Oct

QLD State Championships Kingaroy

The Queensland State Championships was the first of two back to back contests at Kingaroy, ahead of the Club and Sports Class Nationals taking place the following week. This championships was the first of this soaring season's competitions. For Australian team members Bruce…
Gawler Cover

Sailplane Grand Prix Gawler

Matthew Atkinson in his Ventus 2cx at Gawler. By Sean YoungPhotos by Alan Dean and Sean Young The Sailplane Grand Prix is a series of qualifying races held in countries around the world over the course of a year. The top one or two competitors from each qualifying event are…
Waikerie 2023 Nationals .11

WAIKERIE Nationals Open, 18 M and Sports

Waikerie on the southern bank of the flooded Murray River. By Craig VinallThis season, to match the Worlds at Narromine later this year, Australian competitions departed from the normal format of combining Club and Sports in one competition, and Multiclass Ballasted in another,…

20m Dual Seat Nationals Corowa

The 20m Dual Seat Nationals had nine entries with 18 competitors. They flew seven task days. There was one 1,000 point day with a task of 369.54 km. The day was won by the overall champions Brad Edwards and Bruce Taylor, who achieved a much faster speed than the other…
Waga 1

WAGA State Championships

The 2023 WAGA State Championship was held at Beverley. The first practice day and the first competition day were not flown due to poor weather conditions. As the first competition day was not flown and was designated a rest day. The remaining seven competition days were flown…
Horsham Week 2

57th Horsham Week

By Michael Hogan The 57th Horsham Week was flown from 4 to 11 February, and while it may not be the longest running competition to take place consecutively in the one location, it can’t be far off. The event was well attended once again, with 31 entrants in three classes – Club,…
Paul Dickson

NSW State Championships Narromine

Paul DicksonPaul Dickson describes one of his NSW State Championships days as "one of the best days gliding that I have ever had -- 10,000ft cloudbase, great cloud streets in line with the task and the vario on the pegs. "I was leaving thermals at 9kts to look for better climbs…
woolley 1 Jan 22 a

Ingo Renner Cup

Adam Woolley flew 1114.95km 124.14kph scoring 1135.82 points on 1 January 2022 from Temora. The Ingo Renner Cup season concluded on 30 September 2022Winners of the Cup are Tobias Geiger, with Adam Woolley 2nd and Pete Temple in 3rd place. The 2022/23 contest is now underway with…
2022 04 12 11.39.03

Darling Downs SC Easter Regatta 2022

by Sarah Thompson Since the demise of the Gliding Queensland Easter Regatta, Darling Downs Soaring Club has been hosting an Easter Regatta at McCaffrey Field, inviting all the Queensland Clubs and anyone else who is interested. With 2020’s regatta cancelled due to Covid, and the…

WAGA State Championships

By Elif Herdsman and Andrew King 2022 WAGA State Champions were held in Cunderdin, hosted by the Gliding Club of Western Australia between 8 and 14 January 2022, plus the 6th and 7th as practice days.With 23 aircraft and 27 pilots registered, it was a well attended event. The…

Horsham Week 2022

By Michael Hogan I haven’t had a chance to go to a Horsham Week competition for several years. Although I’ve been a member of the Horsham Flying Club since 1985, I’ve never spent the whole 8 days at the competition. In the past, it was a few days over the weekend and then back…
Narromine Airfield

World Gliding Championships Narromine December 2023

Gliding Australia, (The Gliding Federation of Australia), together with the Air Sport Australia Confederation (ASAC), have the pleasure to invite the National Gliding Teams from all active FAI Members to participate in the 37th FAI World Gliding Championships for Standard, 15m &…
vsa 1

VSA State Championships

by Terry Cubley PHOTOS: Gary Brasher Barriers to the running of the Victorian State Championships have been numerous, with Covid restrictions and a La Niña Weather pattern predominant among them. Benalla offered both a State Championships and National Championships, back to…
Carter Cup 1

WA's Carter Cup

The Carter Cup this year was a great event. The clubs in the Western Australian Gliding Association (WAGA) all had a wonderful time of excellent weather and good, happy times. It stimulated our coaches and students to come out for an introduction to cross-country flying and…
VSA State Championships 4

Victorian State Championships

When the VSA were looking for a club to host the State Championships, now that flying was almost back to normal following the various lockdowns, the Gliding Club of Victoria committee suggested that we could run it. By Terry Cubley I was just too slow and ended up agreeing to be…
NSW Jacques Grails

NSW State Championships Lake Keepit

The NSW State Championships this year was my frst experience at a state comp. My competition skills were pretty well non-existent, since my last competition had been at Easter in Queensland in 2012. Nonetheless, having bought a sailplane in 2018 after a prolonged break from…