GFA Awards

The GFA Annual General Meeting was held as a video conference for the second year in a row on 24 September.  Members from all over the country were able to take part without the need to travel. This innovation  has made the AGM more accesible and increased attendance at the meeting.


After general business was concluded, Awards Officer Kerrie Claffey announced the winner of the GFA Awards for this year. The awards and recipients are listed below with their citations.

Ryan Award for Services to Airworthiness

Phil Organ

Phil has been involved in most facets of gliding over the years, including about 20 years as instructor, 15 of those as level 3, keepng him very busy helping to run instructor courses, revalidations and so on. He was also involved in Airworthiness for 20-plus years, as well as sport for 4 years, State Rep on councils for 3 years and RTOA for 5 years. On top of all that, he has been local club president, CFC and other roles. He conducted F2 courses with Garry Sunderland 22 yrs ago.


Bill Iggulden Award for Services to Gliding as a Volunteer

Dave Shorter

Dave Shorter was a great contributor to gliding as a volunteer and through providing services to the sport during his more than 30 years of involvement. His services as a volunteer commenced as soon as he joined Grafton Gliding Club. Once solo he quickly progressed to become an Instructor and then Chief Flying Instructor. Grafton gliding camps at Lake Keepit Soaring Club convinced Dave to move his flying inland where he continued his enduring service to the sport, initially as an Instructor. He became Treasurer of Lake Keepit Soaring Club 16 years ago and served on the Committee for more than seven years. During his tenure, Keepit’s Membership grew in numbers from the mid-70s to more than 140 and he left the Club with robust finances. In 2014, Dave was elected Treasurer of the GFA and became a member of the Executive and Board. In this position until he stepped down in August 2020, he made a great contribution to the prudent management of the Federation.

Three years ago, based on his own initiative and with the Board’s approval, he established the GFA Investment Committee and led this group in taking responsibility for investing GFA funds to get a better financial return. In this he was successful, delivering significantly higher returns than the GFA received previously. Dave was also insurance officer of the GFA and he led the GFA in improving insurance outcomes for the sport and members. In addition to his financial and insurance contributions Dave made significant contributions to the success of competitions and to safety in the sport. He was a regular task setter and weather forecaster at State and National competitions, as well as at the Women’s World Gliding Championship held at Keepit in 2020.

He regularly wrote articles for the benefit of all Members on his experiences, many published in Gliding Australia, including frank lessons from incidents. His features will be valuable reading for years to come. Dave was an all-round contributor to the harmony and success of the sport and during the entire period of his involvement provided his services on a voluntary basis. We, who have all been Presidents of Lake Keepit Soaring Club, have great pleasure in nominating Dave Shorter for the Bill Iggulden Award and the Wally Wallington Trophy


Wally Woods Trophy for longest Cross Country Flight

Peter Temple

 1,312.69km  ASG29-18 Gawler 27 November 2020

Bob Irvine Trophy for Flight with Highest OLC Points

1,126.48km 1,172.16pts JS3-18 Cunderdin 12 December 2020