woolley 1 Jan 22 a

Adam Woolley flew 1114.95km 124.14kph scoring 1135.82 points on 1 January 2022 from Temora.

The Ingo Renner Cup season concluded on 30 September 2022

Winners of the Cup are Tobias Geiger, with Adam Woolley 2nd and Pete Temple in 3rd place. The 2022/23 contest is now underway with several excellent cross country flights already on line at bit.ly/3XIWGvg.

Australian pilots who post their flights on weglide.org are automatically scored for the Ingo Renner Cup. The scoring period is from 1 October to 30 September. At the end of the season, the combined score of the top three flights of each pilot will determine the ranking.

Ingo Renner Cup Winners

1st Place
Tobias Geiger
Ventus 2ax

30/12/2021 Benalla
967.67km 118.18kph
1,065.90 points

31/12/2021 Benalla
911.67km 125.92kph
1,025.01 points

05/02/2022 Benalla
894.89 points
794.44km 115.38kph
Total 3538.92 points

2nd Place
Adam Woolley
Ventus 3T 18m

18/11/2021 Narromine
898.28km 111.94kph
862.67 points
I declared 768km at ~128kph, followed by free flying. SkySight was perfect in its predictions today. Exactly at 1730, the climb strengths dropped off from 4kts down to 1.5kts to end the day on! Good fun as always.

25/12/2021 Temora
903.47 km 122.63kph
903.46 points
Another day that was bloody good fun. Many thanks to Mac for keeping me well informed on the storm and showers on my return. It gave me much confidence! Got a bit low with the midday sun up North which slowed me down a bit, but once above 6500' again it was game on, rocketing along at 200kph and often taking 8kt climbs - 125kph for the task today, then extended for 900. Great fun day, haven't been up at FL120 in a glider in a while!

01/01/2022 Temora
1114.95km 124.14kph
1135.82 points
Another awesome day in the skies, as well as a personal best for me regarding distance -- 1,115km at 122kph! Sadly, I misinterpreted SkySight today and underset my task of 790km - which I did at 151kph. I finished at altitude and continued on to max out the day. While I didn't see Geoff, Mac or Akemi much, it was still nice to share the skies with you all. Blown away by the performance, feel and energy of the V3 - loving every flight!
Total 3160.61 points

3rd Place
Pete Temple
ASG29 18m

1083.38km 112.16kph
1088.34 points

1165.97km 130.86 kph
1061.57 points
Another fantastic Waikerie day

1031.69km 119.34 kph
1103.41 points
I declared a 1000km FAI triangle. A slog against the wind on two of the legs and a cool, lowish day.
Total 3023.27 points

4th Place
Grant Heaney
SZD-48 Jantar Std. 2

743.25 km 98.97 kph
960.76 points
Total 2919.53

5th Place
Lumpy Patterson
JS3 TJ18m

905.69km 116kph
961.16 points
Another Blue WA day... was trying for a 1000k but the start just wasn't fast enough, sadly... great day in the office just the same!
Total 2909.48

Ingo Renner Cup Patterson

Lumpy Paterson flew 905.69km 116kph scoring 961.16 points on 24 December 2021 from Cunderdin.

6th Place
Allan Barnes & Harry Medlicott
Arcus M

Lake Keepit
968.86km 107.03kph
1,039.64 points
Total 2806.68

Ingo Renner Cup Barnes1

 Allan Barnes and Harry Medlicott flew 968.86km 107.03kph scoring 1,039.64 points on 31 December 2021 from Lake Keepit.

Ingo Renner Cup Scutter

 The new season began on 1 October. So far, Matthew Scutter is in the lead with his flight on 6 November of 659.52 km 109.39 kph scoring 732.53 points.