Narromine Airfield

Gliding Australia, (The Gliding Federation of Australia), together with the Air Sport Australia Confederation (ASAC), have the pleasure to invite the National Gliding Teams from all active FAI Members to participate in the 37th FAI World Gliding Championships for Standard, 15m & Club Class gliders.

Event Venue
Narromine Airfield
Narromine, NSW, 2821, AUSTRALIA

Event period
2 to 16 December 2023
Practice from 28 November to 1 December 2023
Opening Ceremony 2 December 2023

Full details of the event will be given in the first official Bulletin of the Championships. More information will be disseminated continuously on the competition website:
We look forward to welcoming all National Team Pilots and their Crews to Narromine, Australia. We will do our utmost to organise an unforgettable soaring contest over the landscape of Australia suiting the level of FAI CAT 1 events. Should you have any question, please, do not hesitate to contact our Competition Organising Committee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or via CONTACT US on the competition website at


Steve Pegler
President, Gliding Australia This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.