Bob Hall


Today, 13 June 2016, Bob was made a Member of the Order of Austriala. Congratulations to Bob
from the GFA and the whole Australian gliding community.

Dr Robert James Hall AM

For significant service to sport aviation, particularly to gliding, through leadership, advocacy and training roles,
and to the promotion of safety standards.

Service includes:

Air Sport Australia Confederation

(formerly known as Australian Sport Aviation Confederation):
President, 2005-2008.

Chair, Technical Committee, since 2008.

Board Member, 1998-2008.

Representative, Industry Forum, Australian Strategic Air Traffic Management Group, 2009 - 2015.

Gliding Federation of Australia

President, 2001-2005 and Immediate Past President, 2005-2006. Vice President, 2000-2001.

Chairperson, Operations Panel, 1991-1996.

Convenor, Airfields and Airspace Committee, 1990-2006.

Chief Flying Instructor (by rotation), Bathurst Soaring Club, circa 1970s-2015 and Level 3 Instructor,
since 1977 and Instructor,  since 1972 and Vice-President, 2000.

Member, Standards Consultative Committee, Civil Aviation Safety Authority, since 2011.
Contributed to establishment of Airspace and Environment.

Regulatory Unit, Airservices Australia, 'no dates'.

Awards and recognition includes:

Recipient, Paul Tissandier Diploma, Federation Aeronautique Internationale, 2009.
Recipient, Gold Medal, Air Sport Australia Confederation, 2012.
Life Member, Gliding Federation of Australia, 2006.