Congratulations to Norm Bloch, Allan Barnes
and Harry Medlicott for achieving the records below.

Allan Barnes - Harry Medlicott
Arcus M
31 December 2021
Free distance triangle 928.32km - 20 metre Two seat class

Norm Bloch
JS3 TJ 18m
23 January 2022
Beverley - Kojonup - Lake Grace - Beverley
200km triangle speed record - Open Class and 18m Class- 164.54 kph
300km triangle speed record - Open Class and 18m Class- 164.54 kph
500km triangle speed record - Open Class - and 18m Class 164.54 kph

Allan barnes
This was a tough attempt at a 1,000km triangle. Turnpoint 1 was north of Goondiwindi. Turnpoint 2 was near Warren. However we lost 30 minutes trying to stay in the air after the first thermal and were only achieving 96kph by the time we turned Goondiwindi. The ground was absolutely sodden with a lot more wind, and good climbs were very few. The middle part of the second leg was pretty good but Warren was also very wet with very low broken cu, so we abandoned 50km short and turned home. At Gunnedah we had a marginal final glide but were surprised by 3kt, which gave us enough height to close the triangle at Manilla after 9.5 hours in the air.


Norm Bloch's record flight

Barnes Medlicott

The details of the record-making flight of Allan Barnes and Harry Medlicott.

More at


Records Flown in Australia 2020-21 Season

Record Woolley Gately

Adam Woolley and Keith Gateley
300 and 500km Out and Return 20m two seater class – 141.62kph. flown from lake keepit 2/12/20

Norm Bloch
750km triangle 18m class – 148.3kph flown from
beverley 8/1/21

James Cooper
Free Out and Return Distance Open class - 1070.24 kms flown from cunderdin 8/1/21

Tobi Geiger
1000km triangle 15m class – 134.21kph flown from benalla 10/1/21

David Jansen and John Buchanan
Two Seater 500km triangle record claim - 138.83kph flown from Narromine 22/1/21

Keith Gately and Adam Woolley,
Two Seater 750km triangle record claim - 120.76kph flown from Narromine 23/1/21