TryGliding Just Go membership Classifieds


Charlie Wheeler is one of three lucky recipients who received a glider pilot training scholarship thanks to the generosity of the Honourable Company of Air Pilots and Gliding Australia this year.  

The Honourable Company of Air Pilots' Education Trust offers a range of scholarships that provide opportunities to advance the experience of pilots.
At just 15 years, Charlie doesn’t yet have a motor vehicle learner's permit, yet he’s already clocked up nine hours of flight time and over 40 flights in a glider cockpit. He is close to achieving his first solo flight. On most weekends with decent flying conditions you’ll find him at the Central Coast Soaring Club at Mangrove Mountain airfield.
He was happy to answer a few questions.

Have you always wanted to fly?
Ever since I was about five I have wanted to become a pilot, although for a little while, when I was little, I wanted to be an astronaut.
What stands out was a moment when I was on my way back from a trip from Tasmania. I was wearing a pilot's hat and was walking on the tarmac to board my flight, when the pilot invited me to go into the cockpit. From then on, I’ve loved flying.

What made you want to learn to glide?
In 2023 I went to Bathurst for an AAFC gliding air experience with 311 squadron, and this sparked my interest in gliding. I am now a member of Central Coast Soaring Club.

What are your short-term aviation goals?
First up is to go solo and get my A certificate within the next 6 months. I have had one aerotow flight at Hunter Valley Gliding Club. I would like more exposure to aerotow as well as winch launch, to get some higher and longer flights, and to add to the awesome takeoff and landing experience I’m getting at Mangrove Mountain.

What are your long-term goals?
I am a bit of a fan when it comes to military aircraft, and most school holidays I will go visit the end of the runway at Williamstown with all the other plane spotters watching the F-35s and the Hawks take off. Hopefully one day I can be in one of those pilot seats. But I know it's highly competitive and if that doesn’t work out, I’d probably try to be a loadmaster on the C-130 Hercules. I have been told that glider pilots make the best pilots, and I am happy that I have found a way to start working towards becoming a very skilled pilot now, while I’m still at school.

What do you like best about gliding?
I love how much enthusiasm and teamwork is needed to get stuff done efficiently and fast, and the views you get while up in the air is very calming. Gliding is fun to do!

Why Central Coast and what’s special or unique about it?
I joined Central Coast Soaring Club, at Mangrove Mountain in October 2023. The runway is undulating and with a lot of trees at the edge and nearby farms. It's a great place to get really dialed-in skills. There's a great team of people at Central Coast Soaring Club who welcomed me, and they got to work straight away helping me achieve my goals.