TryGliding Just Go membership Classifieds

The International Gliding Commission (IGC) has reformed a group now called the Gliding Development Group (GDG) to support gliding around the world. In order to measure if the group is being effective we needed to collect data from countries where gliding occurs.

Our data is published below.

Mission Statement of Gliding Development Group

  • Support existing gliding organisations

  • Assist gliding development in emerging countries

  • Support the development of gliding in any country where IGC sees a potential

  • Provide advice, support and expertise

  • Share the outcomes of successful initiatives

  • Develop strategies to enhance the growth of gliding globally

Tasks for the first 12 months

  • Data collection

  • Advocacy

  • Focus on South America

  • Collect and share examples of successful strategies to grow membership

  • Work towards achieving recognition by ICAO as subject matter experts

Data Collection

  • We collected data from 48 countries and compared it to data collected in 2005 from 34 countries.

  • For completeness, we also report on data from 2015, but readers should note that much of this data was marked as ‘Estimated’.

  • The average percent change across 34 countries was a decline of 18%.

  • We will collect data again in 2024 to see how our strategies are working.


Green – Increase

Yellow – Decrease but less than 18%

Red – Decrease more than 18%

Pilot numbers

We also collected data on percentages of female participation

Pilot numbers 2


A link to the full report delivered to the IGC Plenary in March can be found at this link (or see below) 

Mandy Temple – Australia

Chair Gliding Development Group