Series 12 FAI Sailplane Grand Prix Qualifying Contests Dates Announced
The venues and dates for the 12th series of FAI Sailplane Grand Prix (SGP) national contests have been announced. The national contests are qualifying events for the 12th Sailplane Grand Prix final, which will be held at St Auban in France, 24 to 30 August 2025. The top pilots from each event will qualify to fly in the final contest, when the victor will be declared World SGP Champion.
SGP Gawler 18/15m Mixed Classes 5 to 11 January 2025
Adelaide Soaring Club
For entry information contact
CD Mandy Temple said, "The contest period is in the peak thermal soaring season of the year. Variable medium to strong thermal conditions are expected with mixed cumulus and blue days, and heights typically between 4,000 and 14,000ft. We have an experienced team to run the event and look forward to welcoming you to Gawler for a safe and fun week of flying."